
[设计教程下载]Substance Painter教程 Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程

小白菜 2024-01-28 92 0
壹盘资源提供的[设计教程下载]Substance Painter教程 Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[设计教程下载]Substance Painter教程 Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程,或保存[设计教程下载]Substance Painter教程 Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
壹盘资源 Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程.rar (2.29GB)

Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程本教程是关于Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程,时长:4小时02分,大小:2.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Substance Painter 2, zbrush 4r7, 3Ds Max 2017, Unity 5,附源文件,作者:Dan John Cox,共26个章节,语言:英语。 In this course, you’ll learn how to successfully create a beautiful textured prop ready for modern game development using 3D Studio Max 2017, Substance Painter 2 and Unity 5. Creating the best prop model for video game development can be a complex task to fully understand. There are polycounts, unwraps, baking, textures, and many other things which all need to be set up correctly, otherwise your final in-game prop will look flawed. This course, Game Prop Texturing Fundamentals, will help you solve and understand those various difficult concepts. You will learn how to create a simple and effective low poly model and what kind of polycount or triangle count you should have. You’ll also learn how to unwrap and bake details from your high poly model perfectly in Substance Painter. Finally, you’ll create textures inside Substance Painter using many procedural methods to create a game prop that you can import into Unity 5. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create detailed props that are ready for game development environments.

[设计教程下载]Substance Painter教程 Substance Painter游戏道具纹理制作视频教程


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