壹盘资源提供的[设计教程下载]C4D教程 C4D与PS光照与着色技术训练视频教程下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[设计教程下载]C4D教程 C4D与PS光照与着色技术训练视频教程,或保存[设计教程下载]C4D教程 C4D与PS光照与着色技术训练视频教程到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
C4D与PS光照与着色技术训练视频教程.rar (1.01GB)
C4D与PS光照与着色技术训练视频教程本教程是关于透明蝴蝶躯体概念设计全流程实例训练视频教程,时长:1小时03分,大小:1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:CINEMA 4D,Photoshop,共9个章节,作者:Patrick Foley,语言:英语。
In this class, you’ll be able to better understand the concept of adding massive structures to minimalist landscapes in 3d. This class is also a perfect introduction to the meshing of 2d and 3d using an alpha (png) and combining real photos with synthetic 3d elements.
This is also the first time I will have gone over adding a human to the composition in post!
Lastly, we’ll cover how to manipulate both 3d/2d elements in structure, lighting, and coloring to better match eachother to stitch them together.