
[设计教程下载]综合摄影教程 摄影大师班1.0:完整的摄影指南视频教程 7.3GB

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摄影大师班1.0:完整的摄影指南视频教程 7.3GB [新版本可用]在线摄影课:如何为初学者和高级摄影师拍摄和销售照片 我将学到什么? 您将知道如何拍摄令您的家人和朋友印象深刻的精美照片 您将了解相机的真实工作方式,因此您可以使用手动设置拍摄更好的照片 您将知道如何拍摄不同的场景,如拍摄儿童,风景,全景,野生动物,以及更多 你将知道如何像专业人士一样编辑你的照片 你会知道如何用基本的摄影规则精美地构图 你会知道如何用摄影赚钱 你会知道如何用闪光和自然光照亮你的主题 你将知道如何使用智能手机拍摄更好的照片 您将了解摄影的历史 要求 学生需要对学习摄影感到兴奋,因为你会在准备好行动的同时学到最好的东西! 不需要花哨的相机,但是某种类型的相机(甚至是智能手机)可以帮助您学习,因为我们会提示您在练习课上采取行动。 如果您想在照片编辑部分中进行操作,则具有编辑照片功能的计算机也是理想选择。我们将使用Adobe Lightroom,Photoshop和其他免费应用程序进行编辑,我们将向您展示如何获得免费试用版。 说明 请阅读:全新20多个小时的摄影大师班版本于2018年刚刚发布。新版本将很快取代现有版本。请注册该课程以获得支持,竞赛以及更多/更好的内容! 无论您使用智能手机,无反光镜还是数码单反相机,这个在线摄影课程都将教您如何拍摄精美图像并进行销售。 本课程旨在教您摄影的细节,即使您几乎没有经验,也可以帮助您创建有利可图的图像,帮助您脱颖而出并出售。 掌握摄影技术,创造非凡的形象,提高你的自由职业收入。 虽然有很多摄影课程专注于特定的风格或如何使用装备,但很难找到像这样的综合课程,适合初学者和高级摄影师。 本课程专为各级摄影师设计,他们希望提高技能,拍摄出色的图像,并通过照片赚钱。 您将学习的一些内容: 了解相机如何工作以及您需要什么样的装备 在手动模式下拍摄和编辑照片 遵循我们的照片冒险并了解我们如何拍摄照片我们 使用稳定,成分和照明 学习如何出售照片或开始摄影业务 改进您的摄影技术,收购客户,赚更多钱 无论您的经验水平如何,或者您使用何种类型的相机,这个深入的课程都旨在为您提供将摄影技能提升到一个新水平所需的一切。 无论您喜欢拍摄大自然,动物还是人物的照片,一位出色的摄影师都知道如何拍摄,点亮和编辑照片。通过磨练这些技能,您可以出售您的照片,这样您就可以将您的激情转化为事业。本课程向您展示如何。 与其他范围较为有限的摄影课程不同,这个完整的课程教你如何拍摄精彩的照片以及如何通过销售来赚钱。 内容和概述 本课程旨在教授摄影师如何改进您的技术以赚取更多收益。 您将从基础知识入手,了解相机的操作方式,可用的相机和镜头类型以及实现目标所需的设备。然后,您将深入了解您可以关注的不同风格的摄影。 您将了解相机设置,包括如何在手动模式下拍摄。您将使用稳定工具并掌握如何正确组合和点亮场景。您甚至可以学习如何使用智能手机或平板电脑拍摄精美照片以及如何编辑图像。 因此,您可以出售您的照片,您将学习如何自己品牌,创建投资组合和网站,以及找到自由职业或全职职位。深入了解许可,合理使用等。如果你想进入婚纱摄影,你将学习如何开始自己的事业。 在这个硕士课程结束时,你作为摄影师的信心将会飙升。您将对您的相机和装备有一个透彻的了解,这样您就可以充分利用它们拍摄令人难忘的照片并开始有利可图的摄影生涯。 关于讲师: Phil Ebiner于2012年开始教授在线课程,现在有超过135,000名快乐学生在Udemy学习各种各样的东西,从摄影到视频制作。几年前菲尔曾在一所私立大学担任摄影师,负责活动报道,营销和广告以及社交媒体。 Sam Shimizu-Jones一生都在拍照。在加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯长大,他爱上了在城里滑冰的摄影。从那以后,他到世界各地为商业和娱乐拍照。最近,Sam担任浮动医生的摄影师,这是一家在巴拿马工作的医疗非盈利组织。 谁是目标受众? 本课程适合想要拍摄更好照片的人。 本课程适合想要成为熟练摄影师的初学者。 本课程适合妈妈,爸爸,小孩,祖父母以及其他想要以更美好的方式记录生活的人。 本课程适用于想要提高技能和创业的业余摄影师 本课程适合想要学习如何专业编辑照片 的人本课程适合想要通过摄影赚钱的人 [A new version is available] Online Photography Class: How to Take & Sell Photos for Beginners & Advanced Photographers What Will I Learn? You will know how to take amazing photos that impress your family and friends You will know how the camera truly works, so you can take better photos using manual settings You will know how to photograph in different scenarios like photographing kids, landscapes, panoramas, wildlife, and much more You will know how to edit your photos like a professional You will know how to compose images beautifully with basic photography rules You will know how to make money with photography You will know how to light your subjects with flash and natural lighting You will know how to take better photos with your smart phones You will know the history of photography Requirements Students need to be excited about learning photography, as you will learn best with a mind ready for action! No fancy camera is required, but some sort of camera (even a smart phone) would help you learn as we prompt you to take action with practice lessons. A computer with the capability to edit photographs is also ideal if you want to follow along in the Photo Editing section. We’ll be using Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, and other free applications to edit, and we’ll show you how to get free trials to follow along. Description PLEASE READ: A brand new 20+ hour version of the Photography Masterclass was just released in 2018. The new version will replace this current one soon. Please enroll in that course for support, contests, and more/better content! This online photography course will teach you how to take amazing images and sell them, whether you use a smartphone, mirrorless or a DSLR camera. This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of photography, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help create profitable images that help you stand out from the crowd and sell. Master Photography Techniques to Create Extraordinary Images and Boost Your Freelancing Income. While there are plenty of photography courses that focus on specific styles or how to use gear, it’s hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which is for beginner to advanced photographers. This course is designed for all levels of photographers who want to improve their skills, take stellar images, and make money with their photos. Just a few of the things you’ll learn: Understand How Cameras Work and What Gear You Need Master Shooting in Manual Mode and Editing Photos Follow Our Photo Adventures and See How We Shoot Photos Ourselves Use Stabilization, Composition, and Lighting Learn How to Sell Photos or Start a Photography Business Improve Your Photography Techniques, Acquire Clients, And Make More Money Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of camera you use, this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to take your photography skills to the next level. Whether you prefer taking photos of nature, animals, or people, a great photographer knows how to compose a shot, light it, and edit it. By honing these skills, you can sell your photos so you can turn your passion into a career. This course shows you how. Unlike other photography classes that are more limited in scope, this complete course teaches you how to take amazing photos and how to make money by selling them. Contents and Overview This course is aimed at teaching photographers what it takes to improve your techniques to earn more money. You’ll start with the basics and tackle how a camera operates, the types of cameras and lenses available, and equipment you’ll need for accomplishing your goals. You’ll then dive into the different styles of photography you can focus on. You’ll learn about your camera settings, including how to shoot in manual mode. You’ll use stabilization tools and master how to properly compose and light a scene. You’ll even learn how to take great photos with a smartphone or tablet and how to edit images. So you can sell your photos, you’ll learn how to brand yourself, create a portfolio and website, and find freelance work or a full-time position. Gain insight into licensing, fair use, and more. And if you want to get into wedding photography, you’ll learn how to start your own business. By the end of this master course, your confidence as a photographer will soar. You’ll have a thorough understanding of your camera and gear so you can use them to their fullest potential to take unforgettable photos and start a profitable photography career. About the instructors: Phil Ebiner started teaching online courses in 2012, and now has over 135,000 happy students on Udemy learning all sorts of things from photography to video making. Phil worked as a photographer at a private college a few years ago doing event coverage, marketing & advertising, and social media. Sam Shimizu-Jones has been taking photos his entire life. Growing up in Santa Cruz, CA, he fell in love with photography skating around town. Since then, he’s traveled the world taking photos for business and pleasure. Most recently, Sam worked as the photographer for Floating Doctors, a medical non-profit working in Panama. Who is the target audience? This course is for anyone who wants to take better photos This course is for beginners who want to become a skilled photographer This course is for moms, dads, kids, grandparents, and anyone else wanting to document their lives in a more beautiful way This course is for amateur photographers wanting to improve their skills and start a business This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to edit photos professionally This course is for anyone who wants to make money with photography

[设计教程下载]综合摄影教程 摄影大师班1.0:完整的摄影指南视频教程 7.3GB


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