壹盘资源提供的[幼儿学习网盘下载]《小饼干狗Biscuit》I can read 系列全套绘本(18本)+音频[百度云网盘]下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[幼儿学习网盘下载]《小饼干狗Biscuit》I can read 系列全套绘本(18本)+音频[百度云网盘],或保存[幼儿学习网盘下载]《小饼干狗Biscuit》I can read 系列全套绘本(18本)+音频[百度云网盘]到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
目录.txt (885.00Bytes)
Biscuit Sorybook Collection 10本.pdf (18.75MB)
21.Biscuit Goes Camping.mp3 (801.28KB)
18.Biscuit's New Trick.pdf (1.74MB)
18.Biscuit's New Trick.mp3 (2.49MB)
17.Biscuit Wins a Prize.pdf (6.27MB)
17.Biscuit Wins a Prize.mp3 (1.85MB)
16.Biscuit’s Day at the Farm.pdf (19.22MB)
16.Biscuit's Day at the Farm.mp3 (1.92MB)
15.Biscuit’s Big Friend.pdf (11.86MB)
15.Biscuit’s Big Friend.mp3 (490.38KB)
14.Biscuit Wants to Play.pdf (3.32MB)
14.Biscuit Wants to Play.mp3 (447.34KB)
13.Biscuit Visits the Big City.pdf (3.54MB)
13.Biscuit Visits the Big City.mp3 (2.24MB)
12.Biscuit Takes a Walk.pdf (13.18MB)
12.Biscuit Takes a Walk.mp3 (1.96MB)
11.Biscuit Play Ball.pdf (3.33MB)
11.Biscuit Play Ball.mp3 (1.97MB)
10.Biscuit Meets the Class Pet.pdf (6.01MB)
10.Biscuit Meets the Class Pet.mp3 (2.00MB)
09.biscuit loves the library.pdf (3.34MB)
09.biscuit loves the library.m4a (768.27KB)
08.Biscuit Goes to School.pdf (22.77MB)
08.Biscuit Goes to School.mp3 (2.14MB)
07.Biscuit Finds a Friend.pdf (4.58MB)
07.Biscuit Finds a Friend.mp3 (2.77MB)
06.Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear.pdf (13.20MB)
06.Biscuit and the lost Teddy Bear.mp3 (2.22MB)
05.Biscuit and the Little Pup.pdf (6.28MB)
05.Biscuit and the Little Pup.mp3 (2.15MB)
04.Biscuit and the Baby.pdf (13.29MB)
04.Biscuit and the Baby.mp3 (513.54KB)
03.Bathtime for Biscuit.wma (3.05MB)
03.Bathtime for Biscuit.pdf (2.67MB)
02.Biscuit in the Garder.pdf (3.07MB)
02.Biscuit in the Garden.mp3 (2.52MB)
01. Biscuit Time for Bed.pdf (5.24MB)
01. Biscuit Time for Bed.mp3 (2.76MB)