壹盘资源提供的[设计教程下载]Blender教程 Blender简单创建收音机和录音带动画训练视频教程下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[设计教程下载]Blender教程 Blender简单创建收音机和录音带动画训练视频教程,或保存[设计教程下载]Blender教程 Blender简单创建收音机和录音带动画训练视频教程到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
Create A Simple But Effective Animation In Blender.part2.rar (444.31MB)
Create A Simple But Effective Animation In Blender.part1.rar (800.00MB)
Skillshare –在Blender中创建简单但有效的动画
大家好,欢迎来到另一个搅拌机课程 因此,本课程将向您展示如何创建简单但有效的动画。
我们将为低聚收音机和录音带制作动画。 您会在电视广告中看到很多波普艺术风格的动画,因此这是构建作品集的良好起点。 我将向您展示如何对整个场景进行建模和动画处理。
我们将使用几个修饰符对布尔,数组和固化修饰符进行建模。 对于材质,我们将使用基本的PBR着色器,并使用EEVEE(混合器实时渲染引擎)对其进行渲染。 使用最终的渲染设置和详细信息,我们将完成项目。
Skillshare – Create A Simple But Effective Animation In Blender
Hello guys and welcome to another blender course. So in this course am going to show you how you can create simple but effective animation.
We will animate low poly radio and cassette. You will see pop art style animation a lot in tv shows commercials so its a good starting point for building a portfolio. I will show you how you can model the whole scene and also animating.
We will use a couple of modifiers for modeling such a boolean, array, and solidify modifier. For materials, we will use basic PBR shaders and we will render it out with EEVEE which is blenders real-time render engine. With final render settings and details, we will finish our project.
So let's start creating awesome 3D art that you can use for portfolios and show it to your friends or use it for your own projects.