壹盘资源提供的[设计教程下载]ZBrush教程 ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季下载地址来源于网络分享,网络资源均有时效性,请尽快下载[设计教程下载]ZBrush教程 ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季,或保存[设计教程下载]ZBrush教程 ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季到自己的网盘避免资源失效。
ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季.part3.rar (43.27MB)
ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季.part1.rar (4.00GB)
ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季.part2.rar (4.00GB)
ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季.part1.rar (4.00GB)
ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季.part3.rar (43.27MB)
ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季.part2.rar (4.00GB)
ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季本教程是关于ZBrush顶级艺术家工作流程与技巧视频教程第一季,时长:3小时20分,大小:8 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:ZBrush,Photoshop,附源文件,作者:JROTools,语言:英语。
This tutorial series focuses on showing the workflows and techniques of top talent ZBrush artists. In this volume we will join Mickael Lelièvre, who has a massive portfolio of high quality creature sculpts. In his tutorial he will be sculpting an Arowana fish, you will get to see his sculpting process from the beginning to the end, as well as his render and presentation workflow. While he works he also shares his ideas and techniques in the commentary.
You also get all the project files such as the sculpt ztools as well as render
presentation PSDs, also a brush he used to create the scales are included.